

  • Move-in days will be August 5 (new students) and 7 (returning students), 筛选程序将会到位. 此外,所有学生必须登记一个到达时间. 学生们将报名参加一个时间段,以促进社交距离.
  • 大学将提供师资, 教职员及学生派发一套迎新礼包,内含温度计, 面罩和其他有助于个人安全和保护的物品. 
  • 所有返校的学生都必须完成一份免费的, non-credit class (less than 15 minutes) on illness prevention and proper hand hygiene habits through Canvas.
  • 教师们正在准备使用弹性工作制的秋季课程, 以适应面对面和在线学习者. Classrooms have been equipped with cameras to allow synchronous instruction. 这意味着如果学生必须隔离或隔离, 他们可以继续参加现场课程.
  • 教室的分配是为了保持最佳的社交距离. (By design, nearly 80% of KWU’s classes are typically less than 20 students.)
  • 清洁工作正在按照疾控中心的建议进行. Disinfectant wipes and 洗手液 are being provided in many areas, including classrooms. The wipes kill the virus faster than the disinfectant used during a full “deep” clean. 
  • Due to the close contact required for participation in games and workouts, 本校 and other athletic personnel will be screened daily before practice. 
  • Enhanced cleaning and changes in procedures will be implemented in the residence hall bathrooms and food service locations. This includes cleaning all residence halls twice a day and monitoring air flow and filtration systems throughout the buildings.
  • Nonessential student travel outside Kansas during the Fall semester is being strongly discouraged. 
  • Attendees coming to campus for certain events will be asked a series of screening questions. For certain events, including move-in days, temperature testing will be in place. 
  • Stadium/arena entry procedures will be changed as indicated with signage and by event staff. 
  • 虚拟访问和校内访问都将继续进行, 保持社交距离,戴口罩, 根据需要, 被观察到.  
  • 在校园里的公共场所应戴口罩, classrooms and other areas indoors where people cannot maintain social distance of 6 feet for at least the first two weeks of classes. KWU will reevaluate this expectation based on current conditions and guidance from the Health Department to determine whether to continue this precaution.

Kansas Wesleyan released an overview of its COVID-19 战略计划 on Wednesday, 7月1日, 描述其2020年秋季计划的部分内容. The plan contains information on changes made to accommodate social distancing, 新宿舍政策和入住日的变化, 包括要求学生登记到达时间.

自3月以来,KWU的COVID-19工作组定期召开会议, and has spent the last few months focused on policies and procedures necessary for “reopening”. 特别工作组包括校园应急管理人员, the chair of the Nursing Department and multiple members of the President’s Council, 还有索迪斯的代表, 工厂运营、市场营销和沟通, 等. 

Perhaps the most pressing detail announced in the plan involves move-in days, 仍安排在8月5日和8月7日. 

以帮助控制那些日子的交通和人群, 学生需要在预定的时间到达校园. 这可以通过学生发展办公室来完成.

在迁入日进入任何校园建筑之前, individuals will be temperature-tested using non-contact thermometers to make sure all in attendance are under the CDC-recommended figure of 100.4度(华氏). 如果有人测试高, they will enter a temperature-controlled holding area for 15 minutes before being retested. 如果他们没有通过第二次测试, they will need to leave campus and will not be allowed to enter any campus building. 其他适当的校园活动也会有类似的计划. 

预计, 虽然温度检查可能不适合某些事件, all visitors to KWU events in 2020-21 will be asked to review standardized set of health-related questions and not come to campus if they have negative answers. 

当学生到达校园的入住日, they — along with all faculty and staff members — will receive a welcome kit that will include a face covering, 手套, 洗手液, 一支笔和一支温度计. The kit will also contain instructions to conduct a self-check each day before coming to campus or class, and students with positive symptoms should contact the athletic trainer. 教师 or staff with positive symptoms during the self-check should contact their supervisor or appropriate faculty member. 

Two of the changes that students will notice quickly are in food service and residence halls. 在书房里, 位于学生活动中心的餐饮服务选项, customers will now order through the window to relieve potential congestion inside. 外卖服务也将成为可能, 在书房和Shriwise餐厅都有, 通过使用Android和iPhone应用程序. Increased PPE and increased cleaning will be hallmarks of the food service experience.

Any residence halls that have community bathrooms will have an occupancy limit of six individuals. 所有的清洁工作都将按照CDC的建议进行. 

在体育方面, 本校, 教练, staff and game officials will be screened daily due to the close contact required for participation and workouts. That screening will take place both with temperature checks and a standardized verbal screening similar to that mentioned above. 此外,通常共享的空间(例如.e. locker rooms) will be adjusted and stadium/arena entry procedures will be altered to avoid excessive lines. 

最后, student travel during the semester — particularly non-essential travel that ventures outside the state of Kansas — will be strongly discouraged. 如果学生出了州, they must notify the Student Development Office in advance and it may result in a two-week quarantine upon return, 取决于KDHE的规定. 

“这个计划描述了我们的日常工作, and how we will address what have become common concerns in our world today,”医生说。. 马特·汤普森,KWU校长. “Due to our small class sizes — 91 percent of our courses last year had less than 30 students — we are in a position to have to make fewer adjustments than some of our peers. 然而, some adjustments are certainly necessary and we have come together as a campus to identify and begin to implement those. 虽然我们没有将其包含在本文档中, we also have multiple action plans in place to isolate/quarantine those who may be exposed to the virus during the academic year. All of us at KWU appreciate how Saline County leadership has proactively provided assistance and is supporting us this academic year.”  

欲了解更多信息,请访问 4dr.qfyx100.com/coronavirus. 如欲了解更多有关中大活动的资料,请浏览 4dr.qfyx100.com/news.